Friday, October 30, 2009

Human mind can only judge the physical world

How is it possible to think that the balance in this world came into existence by chance, when the extraordinary harmony of nature is observable even with the naked eye? It is the most unreasonable claim to say that the universe, each point of which suggests the existence of its Creator, has come into being on its own.

who is this Creator that ordained everything so subtly and created all?

He cannot be any material being present within the universe, because His must be a will that existed before the universe and created the universe thereupon. The Almighty Creator is One Whom everything finds existence, yet whose existence is without any beginning or end.

Religion teaches us the identity of our Creator whose existence we discover with our reason. Through what He has revealed to us as religion, we know that He is Allah, the Compassionate and the Merciful, Who created the heavens and the earth from nothing.

Who created those laws. We must know that our minds are working with those laws. Allah says in the Quran “nothing is like unto Him.'

We can't apply earthly laws to creator's nature.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How Can We Apply 14-Century Old Laws Today?

Some Muslims and non-Muslims alike may wonder how can we implement a law of 14 centuries ago today. It is a logical question if we do not have enough idea about the nature of the Islamic Shari'ah. But then, we also forget that human beings have written constitutions to last hundreds of years. If this is possible for the humans why is it not possible for God, Whose knowledge encompasses everything across time and space?
What is the Ruling for a Muslim who Raises this Question?
A Muslim that raises this kind of question is, in fact, neglecting the very fact that as a Muslim he should believe that Allah is able to set laws to last till the Day of Judgment as He was able to create natural laws to last forever. Therefore, a Muslim should be cautious not to get trapped in plain heresy or disbelief. For Allah says: { But no by your Lord, they can have no real faith until they make you judge in all disputes between them and find in their souls no resistance against your decision, but accept them with the fullest conviction.} ( Holy Quraan 4:65 and see 59, 105; Holy Quraan 3:23-24; Holy Quraan 5:50;Holy Quraan 6:57,107; Holy Quraan 24:47-48,51; Holy Quraan 42:10.)
A Muslim also forgets that he has no choice to pick what he likes of the commandments of Allah and neglect what he does not. Allah says: { … then it is only a part of the book you believe in, and do you reject the rest? But what is the reward for those among you behave like this but disgrace in this life? On the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous chastisement for Allah is not unmindful of what you do.} ( Holy Quraan 42:10)
A true Muslim believes that Islamic teachings guarantee felicity and peace in this life for all people and other accountable beings, if it is implemented by most of them. It also guaranties success in this life and in the Hereafter if a Muslim implements most of it in his life.
In other words, the effect of Islamic law is not confined to the temporary life but includes the Eternal Life. A Muslim cannot ignore this fact, because he should believe that Divine law is better than any man-mad law. For Allah knows better what secures success in both lives for his creation.
Islamic law comprises basic rules or detailed rules that include the creatures'/people's relationship with Allah and the relationship among the creatures. In other words, Islam is a whole package deal comprising the basics of faith, the rituals, a complete set of laws, and moral values.
Islam did not leave any aspect of life without basic rules, which goes in harmony with the other basic rules to point in the end to the oneness of the source of the Divine law. The basic rule usually acts as a center or axis around which revolves the secondary rules and the exceptions.
Islam is more capable of balancing between reality and fantasy, the individual's rights and the group's rights and between the requirement of felicity in this world and in the Hereafter.
It has guaranteed, fourteen centuries ago, numerous rights for the weak, which human laws did not provide until the last century. These human laws are still struggling to keep up with Islam in this field.
Some people may oppose Islamic governments' enforcing extreme punishment, because they ignore few facts:
1. If a majority in any nation chooses the laws that guide the relationship among themselves and between them and the others inside the country, then even the democratic norms approve of it.
2. The United Nations asserts the right of self-determination for each nation.
3. There is a difference between the local government applying the law chosen by the majority and abusing the law against some citizens or foreigners.
4. Reviewing human experience with law making proves that, in many fields, Islamic law is more appropriate in preserving human rights and in balancing between the diversified and contradictory rights; i.e., between reality and fantasy, between the individuals and the groups and between the demands of the temporary life and the demands of the Eternal Life.
( Dr. Saeed Ismaeel )

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Present Struggle.

The present struggle, more or less in all Muslim countries, is that the people are not prepared to go along with the rulers in the direction in which they are trying to take them; and the rulers are not prepared to lead the people in the direction in which they desire to move. This has resulted in a perpetual conflict in all the Muslim countries of the world. And this is 'Islam Today.'
In all the Muslim countries, we witness organized attempts to de-Islamise the people. Education has been designed as to eliminate Islamic values, vitiate the morals of the new generation and alienate it from its culture and traditions. Attempts are also being made to promote amongst the masses new cultural values that are bound to corrupt their morals. Western thought and disciplines are being introduced and encouraged. All that these policies and efforts can achieve is to reduce the Muslims to a characterless people; they cannot, even at their best, succeed in persuading the Muslims to give up Islam and deliberately accept a secular state.
In trying to set up and maintain more or less secular system of society and government, the rulers of various Muslim countries are motivated solely by self-interest. They know fully well what the people want. They know it from more or less direct experience that their people fought and won the battle of freedom in the name of Islam. They are also fully conscious of their people's deep and abiding association with Islam and all that it stands for. But, on the other hand, the rulers have acquired a vested interest in the perpetuation of the Western way of life. They have accepted Western culture themselves and made their children's future dependent upon the continuance of the Western way of life. Self-interest, therefore, prevents them from following the Islamic way of life. They are determined to retain power in their hands and are not prepared to adopt the Islamic way of life; therefore, they are trying do de-Islamise the people. This is the logic of their policies.
About the future.
The future of the whole world of Islam will depend upon the attitude that the Muslims ultimately adopt towards Islam. If, unfortunately, the present hypocritical attitudes and anti-Islamic policies persist, I am afraid that the liberated Muslim nations will not be able to preserve their freedom for a long time; sooner or later, they must relapse into slavery and into a state even worse than their present condition. The threatened disaster can be averted only through a faithful and total adoption of the Islamic way of life. The Muslim nations can again become a force in the world and leaders of mankind if those who rule them today come to their senses even now; if, under a genuine system of democracy, the people are allowed to choose their own rulers, and if truly Islamic system of government, economic organization and education are established. The Muslims command a vast part of the globe, stretching from Indonesia to Morocco and endowed with great man-power and enormous resources. If this whole bloc unites under the banner of Islam, and earnestly adopts and rigorously follows the Islamic way of life, no power will be able to stand in its way and stop its march on the road to progress.
( Syed Abul A'ala Maududi )

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Did you create yourself through your own will and intellect?
Did you force yourself into your mother’s womb?
Did you choose your own mother?
Was it you who fetched the midwife to attend to your delivery?
Were you then created from nothingness and without a creator?
Was man created by those things which were in existence before him, such as the mountains, the sun and the stars?
(Shaikh Ali thanthawy )
"Or were they created out of naught? Or are they creators?" (52:36).
" We have not created the heavens and the earth and that between them except in truth, and certainly the Hour is approaching." ( surah al-Hijr, 15:85)

All things in creation have a beginning, and our beginning is an awakening… the realization that within oneself all is not well. This awakening may come early in life, or it may come quite late. And even, perhaps, there might be several beginnings after periods of stagnation. Yet, each beginning holds the highest potential, and this is a great mercy from Allah.
The lifetime is a short journey through one aspect of creation. Its length is not our concern, for Allah has determined it according to His own knowledge and will, making it entirely adequate for every soul to establish whatever will be a witness for it on the Day of Judgement.
A further mercy to mankind is that every new beginning nullifies all that preceded it, be it disbelief, sin, or mere failure to make the best use of one's time and resources. Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him ) affirmed, " Islam destroys what was before it, and repentance destroys what was before it." What greater generosity could there be than that of Allah, who after mentioning the eternal humiliation and punishment of those who commit the gravest sins, adds:
" except for those who repent, believe and do good deeds. For them does Allah convert their evil deeds into good. And Allah is eternally forgiving and merciful." ( surah al-Furqan,25:70)
Allah also says,
"… those who, when they commit an immorality or wrong themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins. And who can forgive sins except Allah?"( surah Ali Imran, 3:135)
" Say, 'O My servants who have committed excess against themselves, do not despair of Allah's mercy. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins, for it is He who is the Ever-Forgiving, Merciful. " ( surah az-Zumar, 39:53)
Know then, that however long or short a life span might be, its quality, by the grace of Allah, is determined from that point when one asserts his human faculties of thought and reason and awakens to the purpose of his creation, undertaking to fulfill his responsibilities on earth in obedience to his Creator. The length of this period is again determined by Allah in adequate measure, according to His perfect knowledge of every soul. From this beginning, true life emerges – life of a higher quality which only the believer can achieve…
" And is one who was dead [and] then We gave him life and made for him light by which to walk among the people like one who remains in darkness, never to emerge therefrom ? ( surah al – Anam 6:122)
The initial awakening in which one chooses Islam over other ways of life is a transition from unawareness to comprehension, from denial to acceptance, from doubt to belief, or from shirk to Tawheed. But for the Muslim believer, there is also an awakening – one that leads him from sin to repentance, from various forms of hypocrisy to sincerity, from neglect to responsibility, or from self-satisfaction to higher aspiration. Often it comes gradually as an uneasy feeling – a discomfort of the soul. Then this uneasiness develops into apprehension and finally into the awareness that one is certainly not prepared for death, Facing an undeniable truth, the servant realizes that no excuse will suffice on the Day of Judgement. Through neglect and worldly distractions, he has placed his soul in danger. Frightened by the thought of punishment, he is at once moved to long and strive for that special mercy reserved for those who have earned the acceptance of their Creator in the greater life to come. But in his present state, would he be accepted? Those diseases of the heat so carefully concealed from his fellow men will certainly be uncovered on that Day… unless they are truly cured. A wise and prudent servant will therefore hasted to grasp the opportunity in his remaining days or hours – an extension granted to him out of mercy from Allah. For when these have expired, there will be no further respite or chance for amendment…
" Has the time not come for those who have believed that their hearts should become humbly submissive at the remembrance of Allah and what has been revealed of the truth? And [let them] not be like those who were given the Scripture before – then a long period passed over them, and their hearts hardened. And many of them are transgressors. " ( surah al-Hadeed, 57:16)

( Realities of Faith- Umm Muhammad ).

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evolution of Evolutionist's Imaginary Teapot.

Most people accept everything they hear from scientists as strictly true. It does not even occur to them that scientists may also have various philosophical or ideological prejudices. The fact of the matter is that evolutionist scientists impose their own prejudices and philosophical views on the public under the guise of science. For instance, although they are aware that random events do not cause anything other than irregularity and confusion, they still claim that the marvellous order, plan, and design seen both in the universe and in living organisms arose by chance.

For instance, such a biologist easily grasps that there is an incomprehensible harmony in a protein molecule, the building block of life, and that there is no probability that this might have come about by chance. Nevertheless, he alleges that this protein came into existence under primitive earth conditions by chance billions of years ago. He does not stop there; he also claims, without hesitation, that not only one, but millions of proteins formed by chance and then incredibly came together to create the first living cell. Moreover, he defends his view with a blind stubbornness.

read more

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Atheists searching for God.

Sorry Atheists, You Won't Find God that Way.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Solution for Gays and curtail sex offenders

Solution for Gays and curtail sex offenders

"There is a substantially more effective way to curtail sex offenders: CASTRATION. It is used in Europe for very serious offenses – brutal rape and child molesting. Castration is done surgically – cutting off the testicles – or with drugs that neutralize the hormone produced by the testicles. In four studies of more than two thousand offenders followed for many years, the reoffender rate drops from around 70 percent to around 3 percent. Drug castration which is reversible works as well as surgical castration. In America, castration is called “cruel and unusual punishment" and is not done. When I consider all the wasted years in prison, the high likelihood of repeating the offense, and the special hell that other prisoners reserve for child molesters, castration seems less cruel to me than the "usual" punishment. “(MARTINE E. P. SELIGMAN, PH.D. Professor of psychology at University of Pennsylvania and a past president of the American Psychological Association.)

Solution for Gays and curtail sex offenders

"There is a substantially more effective way to curtail sex offenders: CASTRATION. It is used in Europe for very serious offenses – brutal rape and child molesting. Castration is done surgically – cutting off the testicles – or with drugs that neutralize the hormone produced by the testicles. In four studies of more than two thousand offenders followed for many years, the reoffender rate drops from around 70 percent to around 3 percent. Drug castration which is reversible works as well as surgical castration. In America, castration is called “cruel and unusual punishment" and is not done. When I consider all the wasted years in prison, the high likelihood of repeating the offense, and the special hell that other prisoners reserve for child molesters, castration seems less cruel to me than the "usual" punishment. “(MARTINE E. P. SELIGMAN, PH.D. Professor of psychology at University of Pennsylvania and a past president of the American Psychological Association.)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says to a man who asked his permission to be emasculated: “Instead of castration, you can observe fasting and prayer (as a kind of protection against unlawful actions).” (Reported by At-Tabarani and Ahmed).”