Thursday, December 24, 2009


Millions of people before us have asked the very same questions we now ask ourselves. Who am I?, where do I come from?, How did the world and the universe come into being?, what will happen to us when we die?. These questions of life, meaning and the purpose of life have forced people of knowledge and reason to think study and answer them. This resulted in different ideologies and theories. One of these theories is Atheism. Atheism or godless was originated in ancient Greek, Diagoras of Melos was the first person to be recorded as an atheist. He lived in the 5th century BC. Though it’s said scientists and philosophers are atheists, this does not mean every scientist or philosopher don’t believe in God (even though Peter Atkins call those believing scientists “half scientists”) Yet the early Atheists had very different thinking than the modern ideology of atheism which is based on Charles Darwin’s “origin of species “. The idea of denying God’s existence, and the claim of “everything can be explained by science” and of cause “the big bang” and “Evolution”, is now known as Atheism. Though the word atheism means godless this does not mean every atheist don’t believe in a god or a “supernatural force”, they are called weak atheism, if its strong atheism the belief in gods and supernatural entities are denied. ( Read more )


Anonymous said...

u know i really do like that bald hair color
think im gonna color my hair bald when i get old

cool post, it really shows how talented u r ^_^

Anonymous said...

atheism is about carelessness. Its about giving up hope and refusing to improve. in short its about stubbornness. Its like saying i don't see god so i will not budge from my position. i see what i see and i refuse to explore further..

So atheism is being thick in the head. but the funniest thing is that atheists frequently attack those who believe in god and hereafter with these same attributes.

Anonymous said...

blah. blah!
Are we fighting about a word? are we arguing about a word and its meaning? every individual have a different meaning for every word. its called semantics.
Nothing written here constitutes to what really is. its people's opinion and it will always be.

Anonymous said...

lol very true man lol this is just great

Anonymous said...

siru obi novey ingey