Saturday, December 11, 2010

Poking the eye from Zion

Maldives is one of the two 100% Muslim countries in the world. Maldives being an Islamic State never criticize the oldest terrorist movement in the world. Maybe it is because we vote “yes” on the resolution 181 and supported the declaration to rip off Palestinian’s land from them and to give it to the Jews. Our maybe we never got our true independence from the British monarchy and still bow down to the queen as we are her “common wealth”. Any how we are ashamed to call ourselves Muslims, to practice it and even to raise our voices in defense of our brothers. What a nation we are!!!The bloody, racist and brutal Zionist Movement. Which they call Israel is well known for their blood thirsty prejudice against the whole world as if they are the “god’s chosen children”, and the rest of the world is their play ground.
Maldives being a small country with a very few natural resources, is subjected to a lot of pressure from other countries. Yet we have never asked for the Zionist for any help nor did they offer us anything before. Why are they offering help now? What are we offering in return?
This bloody thirsty terrorist group of Israel not only has attacked countries criticizing them, but their very friendly America also in different occasions had to suffer their plots, like the “Lavon affaire” the attack on USS liberty and the famous Pollard spy case. Israel committed more than 60 massacres against Lebanon, Syria, and Pelastine from 1946 to 1999. The attacks and brutal force have not stopped. We are all aware of how they treated the democratically elected Hamas government. Israel is the only UN recognized nation which have defied the UN resolutions, from 1948 to 2009, 255 resolutions have been passed against the terrorist nation of Israel and none which Israel complied with. While their Allied America vetos anything that might harm the poor “holocaust survivors”. READ MORE

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