Thursday, February 26, 2009

Darwin Drawing a picture of yours

Beware before you ask him to draw a picture of your forefathers  .


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think your blog is very interesting....keep it up

Anonymous said...

DARWIN SUCKS! his theory is nothing but monkeys....His story goes like this...he saw a monkey sleeping with him and asked the monkey where were you from? Monkey said I am your forefather...Darwin goes...anybody knows this? Monek said make a theory tomoro morning and tell everybody I am the forefathers of all human creatures. Darwin had a good time with monkey...MONKEY DARWIN A LOSERQ

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your obsession with Darwin eh!
But you think like Yahya dho!

Did you watch the doc The genius of darwin by Prf Richard Dawkins?

Anonymous said...

Brother Siru,
You just could not just do without drawing... your havaa nafs is overtaking you... drawing people (or Darwins) is not Halaal... May Allah show you the right path... and punish you for any bad you have done and then show you Heaven in where you can fulfill all your worldly desires without guilt or showing hatred towards others.


Anonymous said...

before u give fatwas check, is the man complete, is he giving real shape, check the fatwas from the ulamas, befor u open up, pathetic ppl

Anonymous said...

Brother Siru,
It does not matter if you you complete the man or not, it's the intention that matters. We human are just weak. We cannot resist our desires... and we tend to justify it (commenting anonymously)... May Allah show you the right path. and forgive all your sins. and may Allah give strength to you to overcome your human desires.


Anonymous said...

Brother Siru,

Our forefathers were 30,000cm tall, basically they were huge giants. That's the description given in Hadith of Prophet peace be upon Him.

Anonymous said...

by the way 30,000cm is much taller than an average building here in Maldives

Anonymous said...

does hadiths say our forefathers or Adam

Siru said...

well pls do come with proof if u have any

Anonymous said...

havaa nafsuge maana muraaja'aa koffa bune dheebala.
furathama ungannai dhinumuge kurin ungenigathun e ee muhimmu kameh.haraam halaal e ee varah hassaas massala eh.

Anonymous said...

هل راجعت حكم التصوير جيدا؟

Anonymous said...

who gave this comment:"punish you for any bad you have done and then show you Heaven in where you can fulfill all your worldly desires without guilt or showing hatred towards others". this is very silly comment.. i dnt think he knos how t advice pple.. i never ever heard tht pple say while advicing t punish,so u cant tel such things.. just read kithaabu althaauheedh about "launath", ,nd how u kno tht he can have worldly desires in heaven.. its entireluy different. so u cant compare heaven with worldly b4 advice a person plz learn 1st..u just asking talling brother.. but doing bullshits.

Anonymous said...

لا ينبغي للمرء أن يدعو على أولاده بل ينبغي له أن يحذر ذلك؛ لأنه قد يوافق ساعة الإجابة فينبغي له ألا يدعو عليهم ، وإذا كانوا صالحين كان الأمر أشد في تحريم الدعاء عليهم ، أما إذا كانوا مقصرين فينبغي أيضا ألا يدعو عليهم ، بل يدعو لهم بالهداية والصلاح والتوفيق ، هكذا ينبغي أن يكون المؤمن ، وجاءت النصوص عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تحذر المسلم من الدعاء على ولده أو على أهله أو على ماله لئلا يصادف ساعة الإجابة فيضر نفسه أو يضر أهله أو يضر ولده فينبغي لك أيها السائل أن تحفظ لسانك ، وأن تؤكد على من تعلمه يتعاطى هذا الأمر بأن يحفظ لسانه ، وأن يتقي الله في ذلك حتى لا يدعو على ولده ولا على غيره من المسلمين ، بل يدعو لهم بالخير والسداد والاستقامة .

Anonymous said...

كيف عرفت نيته؟هل شققت قلبه؟

Anonymous said...

if the image is originally incomplete, such as a head-and-shoulders picture, etc., and there is removed from the picture that without which is could not live, then it may be understood from the comments of many of the fuqahaa’ that this is permissible, especially if there is a need for such partial pictures. Whatever the case, one has to fear Allaah as much as one can, and avoid that which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden. ((from the Fatawa of Samaahat al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allaah have mercy on him)Fatawa no.13633))

lord heXter said...

و الله يفتون بغير علم و يفتنون
إنّي مع الذي جاء بالفتوى

Anonymous said...

These are drawings of human figures. Incomplete or complete Allah will decide. It is published because the Artist decided that it is complete enough to publish it online. He is just saying that it's 'incomplete' to deceive Allah (who knows the best), but it is complete enough for any viewer to receive the message it sends, and we humans know that these are drawings of other humans and living things, so Allah will know more. No painting will ever be complete, only Allah complete things. So this is not Halaal in anyway. Allah knows the best, and forgive me brother if I am wrong, but I am just trying to guide you to the righteous path.

For instance if a person fornicates and does not ejaculate can it be considered incomplete and hence not Haraam?


Anonymous said...

brother Qubad pls if you want to guide anyone would you bring proof for what you say.

the ulamaa is not on ur side.
لا ينبغي للمرء أن يدعو على أولاده بل ينبغي له أن يحذر ذلك؛ لأنه قد يوافق ساعة الإجابة فينبغي له ألا يدعو عليهم ، وإذا كانوا صالحين كان الأمر أشد في تحريم الدعاء عليهم ، أما إذا كانوا مقصرين فينبغي أيضا ألا يدعو عليهم ، بل يدعو لهم بالهداية والصلاح والتوفيق ، هكذا ينبغي أن يكون المؤمن ، وجاءت النصوص عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تحذر المسلم من الدعاء على ولده أو على أهله أو على ماله لئلا يصادف ساعة الإجابة فيضر نفسه أو يضر أهله أو يضر ولده فينبغي لك أيها السائل أن تحفظ لسانك ، وأن تؤكد على من تعلمه يتعاطى هذا الأمر بأن يحفظ لسانه ، وأن يتقي الله في ذلك حتى لا يدعو على ولده ولا على غيره من المسلمين ، بل يدعو لهم بالخير والسداد والاستقامة

if the image is originally incomplete, such as a head-and-shoulders picture, etc., and there is removed from the picture that without which is could not live, then it may be understood from the comments of many of the fuqahaa’ that this is permissible, especially if there is a need for such partial pictures. Whatever the case, one has to fear Allaah as much as one can, and avoid that which Allaah and His Messenger have forbidden. ((from the Fatawa of Samaahat al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allaah have mercy on him)Fatawa no.13633))

إن تريد أن تصلح فات بالدليل, نتبع الأدلة و لا تتخذنا جهلاء

Anonymous said...

"For instance if a person fornicates and does not ejaculate can it be considered incomplete and hence not Haraam?"
its haraam cause there is hadhiths on that, if anyone enters a lady outside marriage its considered as Fornication.
pls bring forth any proof you have on this issue,
if a drawing is not complete it means, if it does not have the complete form of a real living thing, no matter you know its a human or not. while the scholars agree on this, the question is who are you to out rule them.

Anonymous said...

Here is proof (that the earliest ancestor of human race was 30,000cm tall)

Volume 8, Book 74, Number 246:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "Allah created Adam in his complete shape and form (directly), sixty cubits (about 30 meters) in height. When He created him, He said (to him), "Go and greet that group of angels sitting there, and listen what they will say in reply to you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring." Adam (went and) said, 'As-Salamu alaikum (Peace be upon you).' They replied, 'AsSalamu-'Alaika wa Rahmatullah (Peace and Allah's Mercy be on you) So they increased 'Wa Rahmatullah' The Prophet added 'So whoever will enter Paradise, will be of the shape and form of Adam. Since then the creation of Adam's (offspring) (i.e. stature of human beings is being diminished continuously) to the present time."

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:06 PM
that is the proof of humans will enter to heaven in the size of Adam, if you see chapter on akhirah on bukharee you'd learn more. that does not prove humans evolved but it says the size of them. being short and tall

Anonymous said...

there is no proof that humans changed or evolved from monkeys but Quran says Allah said he changed some humans to monkeys and pigs. so maybe the monkeys and pigs evolved from humans

Anonymous said...

Unlike, science we have no reason to doubt Hadith its absolute knowledge. If Adam was 30m tall, its inevitable that Hawwa would also be of proportional height (if not it would have been impossible for them to mate and produce anymore human beings).

Anonymous said...

Do you think that a woman of present be able to engage in sexual congress with a 30m tall man? it would be physically impossible!

Over millions of years we have evolved from Giants to the size we are now, and since Quran is silent on more explicit details of Adam and Hawwa we can't go about assuming how they might have looked like it!!

Anonymous said...

Lets consider the the limits of human physiology. Once a human exceeds 8ft it puts a very big strain on the heart, the blood vessels in the legs burst from the pressure and the joints struggle to bear the weight of the body to name a few problems.

No normal human being would survive if they were more than 10 feet tall, nevermind 90feet as in the Hadith.

Anonymous said...

qubaad; the "ziney" is haram when the ejaculation happens n dose be ware of tht,thnx.

Naafix said...

Siru, I guess you are one of many who have been influenced by Harun Yahya and the like. Science has proven beyond doubt that the Theory of Evolution is correct, and modern 'Darwins' have been finding out more facts and proofs for the theory. Harun Yahya stated in his works that there is no 'transitional' fossil unearthed. However, Neil Shubin of the University of Chicago and his colleagues have found a 375 million year old fossil high in the Canadian Arctic. This fossil, now named as Tiktaalik, fits neatly in the gap between fish and land-living animals. It was plainly a fish with scales and fins, and it had a flat, amphibian-like head with a distinct neck and bones inside its fins corresponding to the upper and lower arm bones and even the wrists of land animals. This is one example of a 'transitional' fossil and many have been unearthed. Saying that evolution did not happen is like denying the existence of gravity.

Siru said...

The Darwinist speculation regarding the Tiktaalik was no different to that concerning the Coelacanth. The Tiktaalik, a creature with a mosaic character (containing perfect structures from different life forms), is an exceedingly complex life form with well preserved fossil remains. But its characteristics display no transitional features. Each one is a fully developed, perfect structure found in mosaic life forms (such as the platypus). The sole reason for the Darwinist conjecture around the animal is that they interpret the fossil remains of this extinct mosaic form in the light of their own preconceptions. Just as with the Coelacanth.

The absence of a single transitional form in the myth of the transition from water to dry land, not to mention such a transition being anatomically and physiologically impossible, is alone sufficient to repudiate the claims on the subject.”

Anonymous said...

Brother Siru,

Do you have any scientific explanation as to how Adam could be 90ft tall as in the Hadit if he was a Homo sapien?