All of us are creative; we vary only in the extent to which we have developed our creativity potential.
Don't kill your creativity by receiving negative messages.
Release your mind from its non-creativity prison.
What is creativity?There are probably hundreds of definitions of creativity.
- Creativity is about innovation.
- Creativity is about value Addition.
- Creativity is about trying new things.
- Creativity is about doing old things differently.
- Creativity is about finding new ways.
- Creativity is about applying new thinking.
- Creativity is about seeing things differently.
- Creativity is about finding Solutions.
- Creativity is about making connections where none existed before.
Steps to creativity-
Knowledge : Acquire diverse knowledge utilizing all the five senses. Knowledge is the raw material that you can use to make connections.
Thinking : Think deeply. According to famous creativity expert, Edward de Bono, there are two types of thinking processes.
1- Vertical thinking, according to him, vertical thinking is compared to digging a hole deeper. The problem with vertical thinking is that you are digging the wrong hole, you will not find the solution no matter how deep you dig.
2- Lateral thinking, according to him, lateral thinking is compared to digging many different holes (looking for many solutions). Lateral thinking is essential for generating creative ideas.
Incubation : Relax and do something unrelated to the problem. Archimedes got his inspiration in discovering the Archimedes Principle while taking his bath.
Eureka : Movement of inspiration.
It is a Greek word that means " I found it!"It was made famous when Archimedes ran out in the street upon discovering a method. Einstein said that, it the most fundamental and beautiful experience that a person can have.
Development : Developing ideas into useful and practical applications.
Mapping your mind with Mind-Maps : Connect your main branches to the central image.
Expanding your creativity-
Seeing things from different viewpoints. Ted Hughes was one of the great poets of nature, in his poems he entered the minds of animals.
Making creative combinations. The great creators were able to link things in ways that no one had ever thought of before.
Reversing things. In reversal, you can simply take whatever exists, and consider the opposite. Everybody said you should always hold your hands up when you box – Mohammed Ali held them down!