Saturday, June 20, 2009

I found the missing link, Eureka

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"Attempts have been made to use wide-ranging propaganda to launch the fossil Ida as the “ancestor of man” on various web sites such as those of ABC, BBC, Science Daily and the Guardian. In this propaganda all Darwinist publications were agreed that this was the fossil that everyone had been awaiting but that had never to date been found. But all that was found was nothing more than an exceptionally well preserved fossil lemur. So with what claims did Darwinists launch this fossil lemur, discovered in Germany and estimated to be 47 million years old?
The only reason for the Darwinist speculation about the fossil was WHAT IS NOT IN IT! The fossil belonged to a lemur, but had slightly different teeth and claw structures to those of present-day lemurs. It therefore represented an extinct species of lemur that once lived in the past. That was the basis for all the Darwinist clamor.
This animal, 95% preserved and with even its internal organs fossilized, was a perfect life form. It had not a single semi-developed, deficient or redundant structure. It is therefore impossible to regard it as a transitional form. Nonetheless, the Darwinist media made a huge fuss out of depicting this perfect fossil as a transitional form. Science Daily described the fossil as “extraordinary.” Sky News went even further and described the fossil as the “eighth wonder of the world.” The Darwinist David Attenborough said “The link they would have said until now is missing ... it is no longer missing.” By making that statement, Attenborough was in one sense admitting the invalidity of the skulls that have for years been portrayed as missing links in the imaginary evolution of man. His error was to imagine that this perfect fossil lemur was the ancestor of man."
( To see complete article, please visit )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude! Harun rants like a chick.. darwinist this, darwinist that! blew, blah, belw!!

For me, missing link or no link, the idea of evolution is more appealing, humble less self-arrogant. On top of that, it has overwhelmingly enough evidence too unlike no evidence from the creationists...