Monday, March 23, 2009

Richard Dawkins researching fossils

Richard Dawkins researching fossils

 Inspired by a speech given by Richard Dawkins on TED.


lord heXter said...

lol, yeah on that video he'd say he was reading playboy for something, nicely done siru

Anonymous said...

gadha ingey, i also saw that video ingey he was so stupid, how can he do research using playboy, maybe how hot chicks evolved, so that he can come up with a theory to make all girls hot lol, pathetic man.

Anonymous said...

rawkins opened my eyes. he's my prophet my god is nothing. you are just being stupid

Anonymous said...

you have a thing for Darwin and Dawkins, don't you?

Anonymous said...

this is very natural for conservatives like you. I totally understand dear.
mocking scientists like kafirs mocked our prophet Mohamed(PBUH). 150 years from now, your great great sons and daughters will praise Dawkins for his work in evolutionary biology.
and what would you be then, among the 'mushriks of mecca', who denied the enlightenment.
God please save this dumb ass. Amen

Anonymous said...

Dawkins room attendant:

Totally agree.

Why does this blogger waste so much of his time drawing art to defend a god who isn't there?

Guess he's one of those guys who shat his pants thinking they might to go to hell forever for failing to 'believe' in a non-exist god.

Anonymous said...

dakins picked his nose
u gotta make a drawing of that

what a retard
researching something other than the quran or hadiths

probably always thinking about f#@cking or doing drugs
& masturbates over monkeys
kaafir bastard

hey we should kill him
we would be gods warriors
& we would ascend into heaven for saving future souls from that satanist bastard's clutches

sorry for my language my muslim brothers

i do know dogs n pigs dont deserve to be killed
but i feel these kaafirs need to die before they poison our children

Anonymous said...

